I don't have too much time to go into great detail this evening, homework is calling, but I did want to post a few pics to update what I've been up to lately.
First is a set I started last April when I should have been typing an essay outline for one of my education classes. . .and I have been really inspired to work on it now that I should be working on an essay for another class. Hmmm. Funny how that works!

The set is made to fit Iaret by Morgen Kilbourn (I believe you can still purchase her here http://www.artbymorgen.com She's absolutely to die for, so detailed and spunky!) and is the first of these in this size range. Classic scale is not much smaller than traditional to the eyes, but man, the hands disagree! Working with lace this small is tough, thinning it down takes more patience than I think I have some days.
The set is fully functional, as are all of my sets, with working slip buckles and tongue buckles where it wouldn't be more of a difficulty than a benefit.
I'm totally in love with the tiny little star on the noseband, it just completes the look!

And next, I decided to branch out a bit with dancing horse costumes after finding some examples of two toned sets online in my quest for more reference pictures. I used an inlaying technique that required some deft maneuvering of the old exacto, but the results speak for themselves. The red pieces fit like perfect little puzzle pieces into the black suede, so there is no added bulk from layering, and you get a more realistic appearance in the end.

It still needs tassels on the off side and the collar, and the girth/bridle/halter and tie down need to be made, but those are not too bad time wise. This set will be up for sale soon, and should be completed before Christmas. The bit and stirrups are on order, so as soon as they arrive I'll be in business! I'm planning on completing it to fit Reno and some of the larger sized Arabians, so if you're interested, let me know.

If anyone has any questions, be sure to drop me a line. Thanks for reading, and I will do my best to not be such a stranger from here on out, but I can't promise much with school still underway. Thanks again!